
I guess the establishment can again say "They don't put women like you on TV"

It's sleight of hand, not slight of hand. Do you write in English for a living?

(1) There are so many comments from people who hate this show, but are clearly watching every minute of it, perhaps even taking copious notes about what they hate. These people are called, in today's vernacular, "haters," and the DSM-V has another name for them. (I'm not sure what that name is, but it's a personality

So, there are two character traits in a fictional Republican which YOU have decided are mutually exclusive in ANY Republican means that Aaron Sorkin — who has more writing awards than most monkeys and, dare I wager, you as well — is a bad writer, or at least not as good as some captive primates? Have I got that,

Is it me or was the Shelley Wexler character wearing a wig? A bad one.