
There is a fine line between the sublime and the ridiculous and the current writers on Under the Dome haven't just crossed it, they're tramped it. Where season one was excellent, this season is god-awful. Christine, no longer a malevolent car but an annoying agent of chaos, has become the focal point of this pointless

I really wanted the new season to be awesome. I watched those first two hours and I now wish I had those two hours back to watch paint dry or grass grow. Either would be less boring. Is King not involved? Does anyone know where the show is going?

I can appreciate a plot-driven show in which characters are secondary, merely players that have little importance beyond the unfolding of the plot. However, GofT has had us following Robb and his army for two years and for naught. Not having read the books — and with no plan to ever read the books although I am a

The problems seem to stem from the writers and their inability to move the story forward. I was forgiving in the first season with the asinine "need" to return to Atlanta to retrieve a bag of guns when they were camping in rural Georgia where every farm house would have guns in every closet. I was forgiving for

For me, The Walking Dead was the most anticipated show of the season and it has proven to be the most disappointing. The stupid child remains lost in the woods. Much angst at the house as the shot boy remains shot. And one of the good guys turns out to be a dirt-bag. But really, since fleeing the CDC, nothing much has

OK, I get that, but my point is Fringe will die without casual viewers, which, seemingly were driven away by all that back and forth last fall. For an untutored viewer it made no sense. OTOH, if Fringe is canceled, at least I have season 1 and 2 to watch and enjoy on DVD.

There's nothing wrong with "schmaltz." In fact, most of our lives are highlighted by schmaltzy moments. Good stories usually feature mystery, adventure and romance. Now the schmaltzy parts of last night's episode were fine and I had no problem with the resolution of the problem in the apartment. My fear is simply that

Well, like I said, I'm clearly in a minority. But upstream here someone mentioned that Fringe got a 1.4 rating. That sucks. The show was doing much better before the Alternate Universes, but typically Abrams will keep pushing it and, with the ratings in the toilet and the show already moved to Friday — a Dead Zone — I

Worst Episode of Series
Clearly I'm in a minority on this episode; however, for me, it was the weakest episode in the entire series. I couldn't care less about the alternate universe or its characters; they simply haven't been developed and have little meaning. Last fall the back and forth between universes was at