
The first time I read that comment my eyes skipped from "pure American" straight to "the intervening years" and I missed the the central point. I only caught that middle sentence after I hit post.

That comment was sort of like, if someone wrote a review of Super Mario Brothers: The Movie, and then you wrote in the comments section, "I've never been to Italy, but my brother-in-law went there once on business."

Can I get "meta" here…
… and argue that Nathan Rabin writing about Michael Bay is, in itself, an example of what good pop culture in the new millienium should be all about? Witness:

Mr. Rabin
You are very, very good. Give us more.

I haven't seen this movie, but that plane crash clip made me shit my pants.

Precocious is…
…dating an older, African-American prostitute.

If one were to write "lasty" do you think people will be compelled to stop commenting?

I actually bought an extremely powerful telescope so I could watch this movie live without going to the theater.

Lucasfilm Games
I'd like to live in either Loom or on Monkey Island.

Tattooine and Bespin are alright, but I think I'd spend most of my time down at Toshi picking up power converters.

Twin peaks… where there are ALWAYS fresh donuts and coffee. Could there possibly a downside? Besides the fact that [spoilers excised so Danger McMystery will enjoy the show]?

This is the first time I have been second.

Jesus, you're right, that cat. There are just too many to count. This thread is simply destroying my work day.

If We Are Speaking of the Onion…
"Bill Clinton Calls For National Week Off To Get National Shit Together" is something I turn to when I find myself in times of trouble.