Fourth Wallmaster

Despite Oliver's skepticism, I could fully see AT being the only cartoon ever that would be brave enough to switch to another dimension/universe for a whole season. That would be awesome. I'm sure they'll do at least a couple episodes in this space-timey jumble.

Despite Oliver's skepticism, I could fully see AT being the only cartoon ever that would be brave enough to switch to another dimension/universe for a whole season. That would be awesome. I'm sure they'll do at least a couple episodes in this space-timey jumble.

Psh! What's next, a play about Hitler gallivanting around in Springti - What? Seriously? Oh, well then it's only a matter of time before the inevitable movie vers- Wait, huh? How have I not heard about that?? Well, I think we can all agree that they'll try to remake it someday and - You have got to be kidding me. How

Psh! What's next, a play about Hitler gallivanting around in Springti - What? Seriously? Oh, well then it's only a matter of time before the inevitable movie vers- Wait, huh? How have I not heard about that?? Well, I think we can all agree that they'll try to remake it someday and - You have got to be kidding me. How

In my immense naivete, I thought it was about songwriting.

In my immense naivete, I thought it was about songwriting.

It should have by all means been awkward to watch the salacious, demented "That's My Dog" episode of Six Feet Under with my mom (especially since it was the first either of us had watched of the show, and we knew nothing about it going in), but it was actually a really intriguing, genuinely shocking piece of TV when

It should have by all means been awkward to watch the salacious, demented "That's My Dog" episode of Six Feet Under with my mom (especially since it was the first either of us had watched of the show, and we knew nothing about it going in), but it was actually a really intriguing, genuinely shocking piece of TV when

Finally, the class concludes with Electric Ladyland, and Rodney Dangerfield bursting in exclaiming "We're all gonna get laid!"

Finally, the class concludes with Electric Ladyland, and Rodney Dangerfield bursting in exclaiming "We're all gonna get laid!"

I would totally do your mixed metaphor, if you know what I mean.

I would totally do your mixed metaphor, if you know what I mean.

Of Incanceraids-tion? Nope, didn't work as well as I thought it would.

Of Incanceraids-tion? Nope, didn't work as well as I thought it would.

As nice as the songs are for cute character-building moments and the dramatic irony of Ice King's ignorance, I think this episode's revelations could have used a LITTLE more seriousness and drama because of their heft. Still a fantastic episode, though.

As nice as the songs are for cute character-building moments and the dramatic irony of Ice King's ignorance, I think this episode's revelations could have used a LITTLE more seriousness and drama because of their heft. Still a fantastic episode, though.

Here's one more poster in total agreement with Noel. It's refreshing to see a critic value RC over #1, when so many usually say the debut is the best. Record is quite good, but Radio City is so much better in every way possible. The other album has lots of equivalent high points, but man oh man, does the closing

Here's one more poster in total agreement with Noel. It's refreshing to see a critic value RC over #1, when so many usually say the debut is the best. Record is quite good, but Radio City is so much better in every way possible. The other album has lots of equivalent high points, but man oh man, does the closing

Better yet, Walken the Dog. (It's a pun, he's not the dog… Or is he???)

Better yet, Walken the Dog. (It's a pun, he's not the dog… Or is he???)