Fourth Wallmaster

I've always thought it was roughly a cartoon parallel to Twin Peaks, which is by no means an insult.

My favorite part of this video was definitely the fact that the person's phone used the Legend of Zelda pause menu sound. 
[This comment is a video game nerd extending an olive branch to TV nerds.]

My favorite part of this video was definitely the fact that the person's phone used the Legend of Zelda pause menu sound. 
[This comment is a video game nerd extending an olive branch to TV nerds.]

I am in agreement with all the points you guys have made. In fact, this was a solid A to me, if only for being so experimental and mature and actually pulling it off.

I am in agreement with all the points you guys have made. In fact, this was a solid A to me, if only for being so experimental and mature and actually pulling it off.

Obligatory (?) Simpsons quote: 
"It's like Speed 2, only on a bus instead of a boat!"

Obligatory (?) Simpsons quote: 
"It's like Speed 2, only on a bus instead of a boat!"

Easily the best fourth-series episode, and one of my favorites overall.

Easily the best fourth-series episode, and one of my favorites overall.

I agree! I'm surprised that the promo's shot of him punching a mirror wasn't his reaction to finding out it was his alter ego Football who was responsible.

I agree! I'm surprised that the promo's shot of him punching a mirror wasn't his reaction to finding out it was his alter ego Football who was responsible.



I like the universality of Monty Python, because the very British jokes about pop culture, social structure, and regional stereotypes still all ring true even if you don't know what they mean specifically. The viewer can just assume that the Pythons think Scotsmen are ridiculous oddballs, that Idle is holding up

I remember the first time I saw the "poof judges" sketch where Palin and Idle were in drag and looked convincingly feminine. It was very odd. Wait, have I been misinterpreting this sketch all these years? Are their characters supposed to be cross-dressing, or are they playing female characters?

That's very interesting to hear, because I'd always heard that Chapman and Cleese did the more verbal, long-winded sketches and Palin and Jones did the more high-concept, visual ones. And this always led me to wonder what material Idle came up with (other than Nudge Nudge). I was also wondering who he tended to write

That's very interesting to hear, because I'd always heard that Chapman and Cleese did the more verbal, long-winded sketches and Palin and Jones did the more high-concept, visual ones. And this always led me to wonder what material Idle came up with (other than Nudge Nudge). I was also wondering who he tended to write

After watching all of Flying Circus after I saw most of the Mr. Show episodes, there were a few instances of "homage" like this that I noticed in the latter. Another one is the Pythons' movie execs sketch (I think it's this one) as compared to Mr. Show's "you're fired" sketch from Goin' On A Holiday. Although they

After watching all of Flying Circus after I saw most of the Mr. Show episodes, there were a few instances of "homage" like this that I noticed in the latter. Another one is the Pythons' movie execs sketch (I think it's this one) as compared to Mr. Show's "you're fired" sketch from Goin' On A Holiday. Although they

Fixed. Man, I need to stop writing these comments right after I wake up in the morning.