Fourth Wallmaster

This one just didn't have that Liars magic, IMO. It's not that I'm bothered by the genre change; the songs were just really basic and draggy, especially toward the end. That worked in a perverse way on Drum's Not Dead, because they were dealing with ambient and really whacked-out sounds, but as people have noted, this

Let's do this, guys. Top ten episodes. I truly, honestly couldn't narrow it down, so here's 11 that changed my notion of what this show, and TV in general, could be (yeah, this show was a formative experience for me). Oh, and they're also entertaining as hell.

Let's do this, guys. Top ten episodes. I truly, honestly couldn't narrow it down, so here's 11 that changed my notion of what this show, and TV in general, could be (yeah, this show was a formative experience for me). Oh, and they're also entertaining as hell.

Very true. I agree that it's hard to figure out a "classic era" of South Park. While it was never as consistent as the best Simpsons seasons, it was quite good for a bit longer than that show was. This show has changed its focus a great deal over the years, resulting in a few different eras. 
I think the show gradually

Very true. I agree that it's hard to figure out a "classic era" of South Park. While it was never as consistent as the best Simpsons seasons, it was quite good for a bit longer than that show was. This show has changed its focus a great deal over the years, resulting in a few different eras. 
I think the show gradually

I finally figured out who the announcer voice is. It's Keith Phipps with that identity-protection-pitch-lowering effect on his voice!

I finally figured out who the announcer voice is. It's Keith Phipps with that identity-protection-pitch-lowering effect on his voice!

You have made the most poignant, intelligent song reference to this event. Congratulations to you.

You have made the most poignant, intelligent song reference to this event. Congratulations to you.

This was altogether pretty funny, but the funniest part was easily DiMaggio's Tracy Morgan. Hysterical.

This was altogether pretty funny, but the funniest part was easily DiMaggio's Tracy Morgan. Hysterical.

Crap, I thought it was all about the notes that aren't being played! That's what I get for listening to jazz musicians talk.

Crap, I thought it was all about the notes that aren't being played! That's what I get for listening to jazz musicians talk.

I have also searched for 16-bit covers (of Radiohead songs, no less) without shame. They can be quite inventive, and these two endeavors are clearly the most detailed and impressive.

I have also searched for 16-bit covers (of Radiohead songs, no less) without shame. They can be quite inventive, and these two endeavors are clearly the most detailed and impressive.

I wasn't saying "boo", I was saying "Star-boo-urns".

I wasn't saying "boo", I was saying "Star-boo-urns".

The funniest part of the ep was EASILY the candy citizen who kept agreeing with things. "What the last guy said!" "We're mad at you, but we're not gonna come down there."

Where WAS the beef?

I think the point of Braid is that there is no true ending; all the endings are equally valid, and it's the kind of thing where you choose to believe what you want.