Fourth Wallmaster

I'm definitely with the above posters. Hello Nasty is a total classic. It may not be as revolutionary as their first three (although its spacey, new wave production would certainly qualify as innovation to me), but it's highly entertaining and very diverse. On the contrary, I completely respect Check Your Head but

By all means, continue! I too am a regular reader of these columns, and while you've done a great job so far, I'm excited for future coverage, when the show starts consistently offering up episodes that are worthy of your analysis.

I was just thinking how odd that is. I guess it was a neat and tidy return to basics, and it seemed like they'd said everything they wanted to. But nevertheless, it's too heartbreaking to realize that the Beasties are over now. :(

Agreed. That and "Express Yourself" are my two favorite hip-hop songs, period. But as depressing and shocking as this news is, I've been strangely relieved and almost happy (for lack of a better word) when revisiting the Beasties' catalogue today. Maybe because their music was so energetic, playful and ironic that

Close. Like Speed II, but on a bus. I'm glad I went through all the comments, because I was totally gonna post that.

I'm not saying it was great, or even good, but that it had a reason to exist. I see it as a sort of meta-mockumentary; since everyone was catching onto Cohen's scheme by the first act, he had to retreat to the ignorant South again and milk that easy humor a second time, which was actually totally in character for

This probably won't be that good of a film. It's a shame how Cohen has gone from great to washed-up in the last decade. I mean, I'm even a Bruno apologist, but this is just embarrassing.

*Does Jake's Dancing Bug dance*
*then does the Science dance*

Those are all great episodes, IMO, except for Thank You, which I discussed above, and Belly Of the Beast, which, UGH, seriously?? I'd rank that as far and away the series' WORST episode. 
Oh, and Slumber Party Panic is pretty good on its own terms, but pales in comparison to what the series would eventually become.

Eh, I think Thank You was just good, not great. For all its strengths, it was basically a typical, emotionally manipulative "pet love" story that didn't add much to the mythology, didn't make good use of its "no dialogue" gimmick, and was pretty predictable. Still a fine episode, though.

Okay, since we finally get a chance to do so after three seasons of this great show, this will be the official "Best episodes of Adventure Time" thread. 
My top ten would be: 
It Came From the Nightosphere
Memory Of A Memory
The New Frontier
Incendium/Hot To the Touch
Mortal Folly/Mortal Recoil
What Was Missing
Rainy Day

That line was the most heartwarming thing I've heard in a while.

I absolutely agree. AT is possibly the greatest animated show on right now.

I just wanted to participate in this historical event before the next new episode airs tonight. Good job, AVC commenters!

Fuck, KISS, Marry? No wait, that's not it either.

When was the last time something in a Nabin Flops column was classified as a failure? It seems like they've all been fiascoes or secret successes lately, even the projects that seemed utterly terrible. If any work deserved to be deemed an outright failure, it was this load of crap.

I can see I'm outclASSed by this wHOLE thread at making scatological jokes.

So, I'm wondering: What's the television equivalent of Dawes? Would it be the Vampire Diaries, or Fringe, or what?

Louie was the only show I really even bothered watching in 2011, so I'm glad we're all roughly in agreement here that it's outstanding. I'm still surprised you guys didn't suggest "Oh Louie/Tickets" as a recommended episode. Other than possibly the endgame of Breaking Bad S4, Louie's unbelievable "showdown" with Dane

I had a cool early theory (which seems very unlikely now) that Nolan would be classy enough to play it subtle and troll comic book fans by including a bunch of villain alter egos (Catwoman, Talia al Ghul, etc.) and then just have them briefly appear or only appear in their civilian guise. That would have been some