Fourth Wallmaster

In that case, I've just unintentionally revealed that I've been to 4chan anyway.

That OP there is the smartest talking foodstuff I've ever seen. Wholeheartedly agreed, sir.

This write-up wasn't nearly bitter and hateful enough for the topic at hand, but it was an admirable effort.

I'm reasonably certain that's an alpaca there on the cover. Very strange…

This reminds me of Paul F. Tompkins' terrible Google reader translation of the "I Have A Dream" speech, as read by Tim Meadows. Hilarity such as this could only happen in the Magnited States of America.

I think Louie would actually really appreciate the idea/imagery of combination shitting and pissing on his audience as a metaphor for the Reddit thread.

Another great column, guys! I think KOLM 2 is the non-mobile winner of this month's crop. Really eerie, and plays off of the first game in ways that are strange and unorthodox. For once, the "twist" or metaphorical heft these angsty games are supposed to have is abandoned, leaving just the gloomy mood. It's very

You're right, it is very consistent. But a lot of the bits had me thinking, "This is sort of too close for comfort to some of his old stuff". Maybe it's just because it's all about the same topics, since his delivery of all the material was fresh and funny as always. And at this point, I just want Louie to keep

I'm happy to see that not many people have posted here in the last hour, which is hopefully because they're watching the special. I just finished and I have to say, with all due respect to the consistency, delivery and honesty the man has (more than arguably any comic in the business), in terms of jokes, I found the

Unfortunately, no. Been studying for finals all day. : / But you can bet that when I do watch Community, it will be all at once, back to front, without stopping. A day of absolute glory.

Agreed. If we're merciful on the formative early seasons, I'd count South Park's classic era as seasons 1-11. It was definitely never as consistent and genius as the Simpsons, but it was indeed brilliant most of the time. Even seasons 12 and 13 had their moments. Although I haven't watched it for a while, it seems to

In Soviet Russia, Kevin James thinks YOUR work is mediocre!

I think Cliteater needs to be the new Dawes. Dawes can still be the old Dawes.

Based on title alone, this is the best question AVQ&A has had in quite a while. Even though they're all interesting and well-done regardless.

Best weird intonation on Finest Hour? Patton always has a lot of interesting deliveries for his punchlines ("Uncle Touchy's Naked Puzzle Basement", anyone?), but "PLEASE LET ME VOMIT FOR YOUUUU" made me straight-up guffaw.

I'm replying here for the same reason. Still need to watch this show from the beginning, never seen a single episode, but I am unbelievably excited about it, and it's all thanks to you guys and your insane fanaticism and enthusiasm! Your affable snarkiness has touched my cold heart and the AVC coverage of this show

There was indeed, but it was unordered, relatively short, and didn't involve ballots. I guess that's the difference they're using to distinguish this as the AVC's "first time ever" voting on the year's best comedy albums. And so I'll go along with them on that.

Good list. Cool new best-of feature. I'm definitely in accordance with you guys on the top two. As long as Louie and Patton are in the business, they'll pretty much be shoo-ins for the highest placements.

It's amusing to note that, in an objective sense, Ayn Rand's books aren't written very well. Oh, irony. It will be the downfall of us all.