Fourth Wallmaster

If so many AVC commenters weren't so ironically detached and/or dilettante-ish (myself included), I'd think there would be some sort of record somewhere on the internet about all the memes this site has spawned in the comments section. You know, to congratulate ourselves and feel nostalgic about, because who doesn't

Interesting! Well, I learned something today! Anyway, my point was really that the whole inventory was just ripe for expanding, and I was puzzled that they went with some very obscure choices rather than adding some insight to more well-known songs. For example, I never thought of Torn and Frayed as a "road song", but

I'm siding with some other posters here that 2011 was a pretty weak year for pop/rock/rap in general. Even if you don't agree, you only have to look at this list to see that the musical landscape is getting enormously fractured. There are a bunch of little-known or up-and-coming indie bands here, who seem more like

Silkworm, Jerry Jeff Walker, and the Bottle Rockets. That's no comment on the music's quality, just on the fact that a lot of AVC editors are into really scene-ish music from the '90s and give short shrift to a lot of 60s and 70s genres. Or maybe I'm just thinking of Kyle Ryan; he's probably the only reason I

I Wanna Be Sedated is passed over in favor of songs by about three obscure indie bands I've never heard of. Not trying to lionize my own ignorance or anything, just saying this inventory definitely shows where the AVC's cultural allegiances lie. Really, though, this is such a broadly covered topic that they could have

It's time - right here, right now - to put to rest arguments with friends over the pronunciation of Zelda words. I got into another one of those yesterday and thought that the correct pronunciation would have been made clear by now. 
Ocarina: Ock-uh-ree-nuh
Goron: Goh-rahn
Sheikah: ? Maybe shay-kuh?
Deku: I might be wrong

1. OoT
2. LTTP 
3. TP
4. WW
Wow, it was hard to rank those because they're all so good and so close, IMO. Like, WW does not seem like the worst Zelda I've played, but all the others are even BETTER. Crazy. I have to say, I've watched a playthrough of MM, and it looked pretty inventive too. And from playing the first hour

I fully admit my error and that I am a relatively new poster, but longtime AVC lurker. Oh well. I was acknowledging the humor of a gimmick account, and got lambasted by people named poop and trolly. Yep, that sounds like the AVC commenting community. Gotta love it. Glad I gave you guys something to quip about. haha

Why, hello, new gimmick account! Compared to some of the annoying trolls we've had at the past here at the AV Club, I think your neanderthal whimsy will go over relatively well. Pleased to meet you.

"A soldier can see death in the faces of those about to death". Hey, no hard feelings, everybody makes mistakes. But this one is unironically awesome, IMO.

It looks like Reign Over Me has become Reign Over She. Okay, now I killed it so everyone else can feel okay with quitting this while it's ahead.

Thanks! :D I wanted to have an iconic image from some piece of entertainment that I loved, but which wouldn't come up in thread conversations a lot and make me look like an awkward fanboy. haha

I guess that leaves an underwhelming Leonard Cohen/Megadeth collab?

Or we could save ourselves a bunch of money and time by removing the last 8 words from your sentence.

Tag team! All right!

Is it awkward for Todd VanDerWerff to refer to Todd VanDerWerff in the third person in these writeups or does it soothe Todd VanDerWerff's battered ego? VanDerWerff VanDerWerff.

Zack's tagline for the episode was so totally brilliant, insightful and clever that it made me think about the themes of the series as a whole. I guess this could be a stupidly obvious overgeneralization, but you could say that essentially, the Twilight Zone is about how life is unfair and unpredictable.

Adventure Time is almost like Futurama for kids, with its character development, sense of humor and imagination, etc. Great show. I watch it every week.

Agreed. This is ironically tied with The Wall for my favorite album of the '70s. The most compassionate record and the most hateful record of the decade, and they're both complete masterworks.

1. Oh Louie/Tickets
2. Bummer/Blueberries
3. Eddie
4. Duckling
5. Come On, God
6. Pregnant
7. Country Drive
8. Subway/Pamela
9. Joan
10. Moving
11. Niece
12. New Jersey/Airport
13. Halloween/Ellie
All of these are incredible episodes of television, even the slightly ramshackle Halloween episode.