You would feel good about what you saw.
You would feel good about what you saw.
A story of the little guy overcoming what the big guy sets on his way.
It would been a story of success.
Had the series been over after just one season, it would have ended on a high.
If only because we are unaware the lengths Rome is willing to go to to capture a bunch of slaves.
An exemption might have been the end of BLOOD AND SAND.
The glory and triumph were, as in the show, fleeting.
or "the world is safe now."
or "yahoo the villain is dead!"
it's not, "yay he finally got the girl!"
It is not a triumph everyone can embrace and cheer for.
And while that may be true to every character on the series, if not physically, at least emotionally…
Usually, characters end up in a better place than how they began.
To think about it, its weird we watch this show, because there exist no happy endings.
As a whole, Spartacus is nothing more than a tragedy.
I watched it.
So why not?
I knew the show was about a man that had lost his wife, and all the changes that occurred since.
The catalyst that would lead me on the path to name myself after a line Spartacus delivers on the first season had occurred a few months earlier.
WAR OF THE DAMNED, it was called.