
Yeah, this is another example of a trilogy that clearly wasn't meant to be a trilogy from the outset, despite the creator's claims. (See The Matrix among others.) This was, "Well, let's throw this one out there and see how it does. Oh my god, it's amazingly popular! Where the hell do I go from here?"

Speaking as an actual DJ, these were FAR from the worst issues with this episode.

Right there with you. Easily the worst episode since the first season, and possibly the worst of the series.

You can get a 70's F-body that's sorta a combo of a Camaro & a Firebird.

I find it amusing that Fowle keeps writing about this show as if there's anything worthwhile going on and people are watching because they think it's good.

Damn well said.

I've been forgoeing upgrading their tactics and just controlling them myself. If you spend upgrades on giving them more tactics slots (which seems essential to make them decent on their own) you've now not used that upgrade on making them more powerful overall. This approach was a TERRIBLE game mechanic choice.

Thanks for the responses and suggestions everyone. Most of them are ones I'm already doing, which have often seemed ineffectual. Picking off enemy from a distance while keeping my melee guys locked is the way I normally approach these games. That isn't particularly useful when my first ranged shot wakes up 8 bad

I'm on normal now! I've never had to turn a game DOWN before. I'm alright with not playing on difficult, but going below normal on a game that I'm not just looking to blow through to get the storyline is sorta a blow to my gaming ego.

So I took some time off from Fallout: New Vegas and have finally delved into Dragon Age: Origins.

You think it's possible that maybe there might be people out there who don't have a computer? Or who maybe have one computer that's used for doing computery stuff by the rest of the family and would love to have another device that can do media things? Say a device that's in the room with the big screen TV?

"I'm pretty sure the exact reverse is actually true."

They prefer you call it the African-American version.

No WoW, but I do play Lord of the Rings Online. Basically the same as WoW and SW:ToR, but in an absolutely beautiful Tolkien setting. The game can be seriously breathtaking. The first time my group came through the pass and the valley of Rivendell opened up before us, we all just sat in silence for a minute taking

I almost started a new playthrough of Fallout 3 due to that same article, as well as the one on Kotaku (http://kotaku.com/fallout-3… from last week.

I'll echo the others. I'm not a huge fan of platformers, but I loved LBP. Pretty solid gameplay that never really presented me with puzzles that were particularly frustrating, and amazing aesthetics. LBP 2 never really took hold for me, as it seemed to just add more for the sake of more. None of the new mechanics

Somebody compare the original releases vs the Metro: Redux versions for me please. I own 2033 and I'm pretty sure I've got Last Light around here somewhere, but I've not played either. They're getting close to the top of my "play next" list. Humble has the Redux pair on sale for $25 for the next coupla days.

Lightsaber. Full sized X-wing. Han's blaster. Those are automatic.

"Why the fuck did I just buy an Xbox One and not a 3DS?"

See, this just reinforces my opinion that the Sims is too much like real life to be any fun.