
FINALLY, a Billy Idol article!  Now when I mention how insanely hot the chick in the "Rock the Cradle of Love" video was it's not apropos of nothing & creepy.  It's actually slightly related to the topic.

My heart would like to agree but my head counters with "Love Shack".

These same commands were made here in the far northern suburbs of Chicago.  High school Doberman would have been happy to oblige, but alas even the type of girl who would be shockingly crass during this song (which of course meant that she was easy, right?) would not follow through.

Is that line in the Spellsinger bit supposed to say "UNlike Xanth"?   While maybe it doesn't hold up to repeated reading later on, Xanth is (at least to my knowledge) almost universally loved by everyone when they read it during their early to mid-teens.

Your friends are absolutely right.

Let's not forget mentioning Kanye West's brilliance in every article, no matter the subject.

"I've had dogs but never owned a brother." 
Thanks Obama.

Regarding your final sentence,  no it is not and yes it is.

I can't tell if comments like this are useless cries for attention, or if statements like "I'll check back in a couple of months to see if things improve." are made with the hope that there's a huge and influential group in agreement which will alter the content of articles on avclub.

I'm heading out the door right now to go find a pregnant woman to pick a fight with just so I can use that line.

It's been said above already and I may be too late to this party for you to see it, but I like to give kudos when they're deserved.

"but a child's imagination doesn't need much to be inspired to don a pair
of underoos and a beach towel and go "ZOOM, ZOOM!" in circles around
the front yard."

It doesn't happen often, so when a comment makes me literally laugh out loud, I feel the need to note it.

How does this compare in depicting street ball to the acknowledged masterwork on the subject, White Men Can't Jump?

For whatever reason, this is one of my top three favorite Simpsons lines ever.

I only occasionally read the SNL articles, so maybe this gets answered from time to time but I've never seen it.  Why is the musical guest not discussed in the article?  Are they discussed if they do particularly well or horribly?  Do I just manage to always read the ones where they've played their current hit and

Yep, and by the time she did go topless, nobody cared except for nostalgia's sake.

It seems pretty clear to me he meant that the shows failures used to be because they were trying to be ambitious and it didn't work out, now it's happening while they're just retreading on familiar ground.  The former is preferrable to the latter.

The train was neat, but I was always FAR more impressed & jealous that he had actual arcade games IN HIS HOUSE.  That shit just blew my mind.