
Just sayin' … I'm sure it's cute & lovable, and at least it's not a feline, but Rabin, a Yorkie isn't REALLY a dog.

Yeah, I'm exactly the same.  This movie sounds like something I'd enjoy, but I wouldn't be able to watch the scene where he discovers Jolly dead.   I just skip all movies that prominently feature animals, cuz they often end up dead.  Sucks when I go into something unknowing ahead of time.  No idea how I Am Legend

Uh, the title of the feature is "Watch This" and often features films on whatever the weekly topic is which people might not have already seen.  Such as this one.

Heh.  FWIW, it's nothing personal.  I've got a huge pet peeve about people who wear their pop culture ignorance, (willful or not), as some sorta badge to be proud of.  Nobody else in the article really seemed to be hanging it out there in the same manner.  I envision Noah being at a party saying, "So, what TV shows

Noah's entire paragraph is the epitome of douchebaggery.  The fact that he won't give it a shot for his girlfriend AND that he's gonna relegate her to the computer while he hogs the TV is the biggest strike.  One would hope that she sees the signs inherent in that.

How DID I miss Soul of the Game?  As an excuse, I'll say that I think I've only seen it once and maybe another half or so and both viewings were a while ago.  Great movie though.

I actually like Little Big League quite a bit.  Rookie of the Year, on the other hand …

Which of those 14 films I listed above isn't a good / enjoyable movie?  Even if your tolerance for sappiness is low, the majority of them are still very good films.

Not sure why you're assuming that I'm rating everything I listed as being ahead of Eight Men Out.  They're just examples of how high the bar is for baseball movies.

Not that the bar is especially high?

Sexist and misogynistic?  No, no.  If Paige were a teenaged boy, I'da pointed that out the same way.  Yes, I could have just said "Teenager" but that wouldn't have been as funny of a line.  (Also, while not granting that my line WAS either, I'll say that if sexist and misogynistic jokes affront your sensibilities,

I knew many Paiges growing up, and I see them now in my friends children.  She's just a kid pushing her boundaries.  Like most kids do at one point or another.

Dammit Tobias!  Your leaving here is just another one of the signs of the impending Rapture!  I'm beginning to feel like I better start repenting my sinful life.

Hey Van Doviak, are you getting paid by the word?

It's not like there's really much call for his skills back in the home office.

It's not like there's really much call for his skills back in the home office.

Those kids, especially Paige, are acting just like most kids in their situation do.  Henry's gonna shut down because that's all he can think to do at that age, and Paige is gonna choose sides.  It's pretty clear that Philip is the Good Cop of the family.  That, plus the daddy/daughter dynamic, means she's gonna blame

Yeah, who is @avclub-7b35a1122309e7451c5060ae86700961:disqus really?  Brad Paisley?

"Perhaps this is a case of a music-lover putting too much stock in intent"

To think that someone put brainpower into reading and commenting about pop culture on a web site with a bunch of strangers … I'd be hard pressed to believe that they're actually a functioning adult.