former lover

2016, don't you dare…

Spanish speaker here, the title of the fake show should be "Las leyes de LA pasión", without the article it doesn't make much sense. You'd think someone in a heavy latin cast would have notice that.

Man I LOVED Top Design. There was something great in watching empty spaces become this over the top decorated bloated 'rooms' and then the judges ripping them apart. I wish it was rebooted, it was good-bad TV.

I would watch the fuck out of the Wes Anderson and Woody Allen-esque ones. Great article.

It looks odd and wrong and I won't stand for it! Stop ruinning my childhood doing new movies that in any way affect the old movies!

Mmmmmm… lately I've been catching up with The Thick of It (until season 2) and mainly watching a stream of 24hrs of Simpsons so… I'm pretty up to date in pop culture I think.

Reading all the list on the best of the year, I realized that I haven't seen, played or read any series, movie, game or book they mention. Am I out of touch?

I know it's not exactly airing in the US but nothing on the end of Top Gear? I watched the episode, it was really quite awesome, the show will be dearly missed.

Is it odd that I find the episode appealling for the jokes and repelling for the story that goes along with the jokes? I'm glad it exist though, "Silhouettes nights" is now a common saying in my group of friends when we have nothing to do on a weekend night.