
I think he was saying he worked on biological agents to combat biological agents, virus for a virus, so say if someone dropped weaponized anthrax, they could introduce a pathogen that would attack and kill the anthrax itself (I know Anthrax is a bacteria, but you get the point)


You're right, the #1 thing I noticed lacking in this Ep was the hand of Nicotero. Very sparse in the effects, and we know a majority of the budget usually goes to him.

Certainly not, but let's not pretend this show is crafted as well as Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones.

Bottle Ep is one that saves them money, period. How that is achieved is irrelevant. This Ep they obviously skimped on actors and special effects.

Plus they could have used the original hospital set from the pilot (if it still exists) for this entire episode

Exactly. They saved on actor salaries, not sets

It doesn't have to be existing sets. Using no-name actors for every on-screen part can save a hell of a lot of money in a bottle Ep.

Sadly, "I think the idea of having "X" is ok, they just should have made it good" seems to be a refrain with this show..

We're talking about the Breaking Bad Ep "Fly ", a quinticcential bottle episode, and not the classic movie, 'The Fly', correct ? Just clarifying

"hell, I'd say season 4 was much better written than Games of Thrones season 4"

Completely agree

You always were an asshole, Gorman

Just on the Maggie and Beth point, IDK if anyone else mentioned this but Maggie does mention Beth in the cold open of the premiere, No Sanctuary. During the "Then" "Now" bit there is Voiceover from some of the group discussing stuff prior to their capture, including the following exchange:

I think the Termites end game was to keep them to eat at their leisure. They threw Bob back after they found out he was tainted, but if they really wanted them dead they could have just fired into the office when Judith started crying. But they wanted them alive so they could slowly consume them as they were planning

He was beaten senseless. By Tyreese

In a pinch, many things will open a tin can. Pocket knife, letter opener, hacksaw, claw-end of a hammer, all of which might be in a church office

Because the reveal that Rick and the group weren't actually going to the school, but had the drop on Gareth's group the whole time, isn't as impactful if you just see them creep up to the door and get cut down in a hail of machine gun fire on the steps.

Pilot was certainly an A

Ahh Strawberry Hill….always the last item on the list, under the "And something for the girls" section. Of course the guys ended up drinking most of it anyway. That and Bartles & James fuzzy navel.