Triple Moniker Love
Damn, between Mary Louise Parker and Jennifer Jason Leigh I think I'm developing an "older women with three names" fetish.
Triple Moniker Love
Damn, between Mary Louise Parker and Jennifer Jason Leigh I think I'm developing an "older women with three names" fetish.
Triple Moniker Love
Damn, between Mary Louise Parker and Jennifer Jason Leigh I think I'm developing an "older women with three names" fetish.
Big Hipster Douchebag Brother
I knew it! I always suspected that the AV Club writers received orders from some distant pop-culture dictator about what they are supposed to like. Way to fight back, Claire.
Well, I'm off to my job at our local Menards! Thank you for the mental image to go along with the jingle that I hear hundreds of times a week!
ZMF, I might be interested in purchasing a "DUDESHIRT" from you, but do you have anything for the gentleman who doesn't want to offend his small-town neighbors' sensibilities? I could probably pull off the "ZMF BITCH" logo, but the "OWNAGE BEYOND ALL FUCKING COMPREHENSION" would indeed be a bit beyond their…
Tilting at windmills apparently, Mr. Majestyk.
I have to agree with the esteemed ZMF, Insomnia is a great movie. It does a really good job of conveying the deteriorating mental state of the main character as he goes longer and longer without sleep, and is just all-around interesting.
I'm in.
Nothing snarky to say. After watching that trailer I really want to see this movie. I don't understand what the relation is to the original movie (which I never saw), though. Does Nic Cage show his wiener?
One of the reasons I love this blog, I didn't even notice some of those connections until I read it here. Layers, man. Layers.
Online Eps
I don't have cable so I usually get the eps off Amazon the next day, luckily I was somewhere with cable tonight though so I got to witness this masterpiece with the rest of y'all. This show never ceases to surprise, amaze, and deeply affect me.
I want to watch it again now, does anyone know what time the eps…
I have to congratulate myself, though I'm a little late. From the "1:00 AM- 2:00 AM" comments:
Admiral Neck: you could very well be a former co-worker of mine. He used to do that all the time and, even though I'd seen and loved the movie, I didn't realize where it was from for the longest time. I eventually picked up the habit myself.
Monster Squad is one of my most-quoted, but only one of my friends gets the jokes. I still think the funniest thing I've ever heard was when he made a perfectly timed/placed reference to "Mr. Alucard"
I'll risk sounding like an asshole by saying that if you don't like American Beauty or that speech, you obviously don't get it. When I saw that movie I felt like Alan Ball had perfectly distilled how I feel about the world on the rare occasions when I can look past all the petty BS and see what's good about it.
I'd say they are worth watching but definitely not necessary. The one with Hank confessing to Walt while wearing his ridiculous white cowboy suit is the best so far.
The way they make it obvious that it was a guy who sucked his dick without actually saying so was priceless.
One of those was regarding the oral variety, the other was about the kind that infects your naughty bits.
*Even if you are not showing symptoms of the herpes-reading curse, it may still be possible to transmit it to others.
*Even if you are not showing symptoms of the herpes-reading curse it may still be possible to transmit it to others.
The curse for herpes is "herpecto simplexum".
I wanted to hate Boat Trip so badly, but I have to admit it was kind of fun. I really can't explain it, but for some reason the line "how gay can a buffet be?" followed by a shot of a giant cock ice sculpture centerpiece still makes me laugh just typing about it.