Captain Sasquatch


That's a good way of putting it.

> in the late 80s and 90s the LAPD seriously recruited cops from KKK and other racial purity groups. Like, that shit really happened

I thought everyone hated HateSong because it was comedians hating popular top 40 songs?

It has a slightly different meaning than giving. You'd never say your ex gifted you Herpes. It's also not a new usage. OED's first citation of gift as a verb is from the 16th century.

I'm surprised they were able to get Vin's brother to be in this thing.

I'm not gonna lie, I've played GI plenty of times while knowing it isn't in the dictionary. The trick is to play the ridiculous two letter words like XU and AA before you slip in the more reasonable (but not allowed) EW and GI.

There was a lot of paperwork involved in the firing process

A lot of them are dirty papists or use a bible other than the King James version that was handed down from G*d himself (http://www.biblefortoday.org/)

Nolan Ryan Howard

@avclub-7e1ce4ce3124fd9ecc13a151afcff11b:disqus I feel like they explained the bit about the sigil on the show? His son wanted it to be three mermaids and a trident or such fancy stuff?

@avclub-e129a878f7b0e5aa9ac09e0282f64ea6:disqus Pretty much anything would be better than Joffrey. I'd rather see a wooden oar with a face drawn on it on the Iron Throne than Joffrey.
We know that Tommen cares about at least one other human being. Tommen has also shown emotions other than sniveling and

@avclub-1a0942083b83d8f3eb8ef33d4731b7e4:disqus Niht?

I half expected one of the warlocks to jump out of nowhere and try and kill her or something.


"I put family first. The day you were born I didn't kill you, and I really really wanted to kill you…you're welcome"

I think the Kingsguard know who actually runs things and that everything would fall apart if Joffery didn't have Tywin pulling the strings. Also Tywin is way smarter and craftier than Joffery.

I think surnames are kinda fluid and optional for lowborn folk. Davos' is Seaworth which makes me think he just made it up as a smuggler/sailor. We learned that Shae doesn't have one, and I don't know if Varys even does. I can't think of any other non-orphan lowborn characters off the top of my head.

"The first *man*"