Dean Pelton

I replaced Ron Swanson as director of the Parks department!

What was that about Jeff being gay?

I swear glitter is the reason I'm bald.

This is the most paint I've ever had on me…
Since the time I wore a paint-on suit. Bad decision, takes weeks to get it all off.

The only reason I would have picked Jeff is because he has very slender fingers. It's one of the reasons he's very attractive.

I can't believe I had to wear my sister's cowboy costume! I had no choice!

I'm a good Dean!!!

How much tickling are we talking about here?

What am I supposed to do with this Paul Reiser Show T-shirt now?

This episdoe made me pee my pants, but not for the reason you're thinking of.

It's Greendale's policy not to discuss our hiring and firing policies. Needless to say, I made an offer and… I have a bigger dance budget now at least.

Oh it didn't double post. That would have been embarrassing!

I can't figure out how to turn off this thing!

I'm thinking SPINOFF! I've always wanted to see a bird and a pony get together!

@John M. Dumbfuck Luckily, I'm big on second chances.