
Oh I love Denton she is completely unstable and manipulative yet I cheered when she turned the tables.

Maybe interesting was the wrong word but different at least. Alternative approach is to hunt down any writers who are even thinking about the idea of a love triangle.

Oh another Line of Duty fan! I love it and yeah the police interviews are great. Nothing is solved quickly on that show.

The trope I loathe more than 'Will they won't they' but often connected with it is the love triangle (sometimes quadrangle). I've never seen one executed well and they bug the hell out of me especially if its in a show with more passionate audiences because then every comment section on sites like EW, TVLine ends in

I also love that Jake doesn't come off as selfish or petulant in his want for Boyle to stay

Oh god this was great, nice to see Tom get a plot which isn't just him being a complete weirdo. Grayson getting into it was amazing.

Absolutely. I can and I do enjoy films, TV series and books with male leads but I am much more likely to seek something out if its got good female characters or has been created by a woman.

Yeah I am really impressed though I guess I shouldn't be surprised considering the talent behind the show managed to transform characters like Leslie Knope and Andy Dwyer into likable people.

Here is the step by step guide to how my feelings for Jake Peralta have changed over the course of 20 episodes

I will admit I cried

I'm saddened but expected it. Long live the Chances.

What I loved about Emily's blackouts was how it skipped a load of boring things like the majority of Charlotte's birthday. It never even occurred to me it could be a mental illness like her mother so when they brought it up I thought it was a nice touch.

I love this show and its back doing what it does best, tense, fun plots with funny moments. I have no idea where the season will end but I always enjoy the crazy ride this show I once dismissed as another CBS procedural takes us.

The final words are "“Well, once there was only dark. You ask me, the light’s winning.”" someone transcribed the whole scene here http://deggowaffles.tumblr….

I can't even begin to express my very many emotions about all the scenes after they kill Errol but I shall try. Holy shit, Martin and Rust are just my favourite characters, their friendship, their old married couple routine, everything about Rust's breakdown and Marty trying to comfort him in his own Marty way.

If I could upvote more than once I would.

Loved S1 so much, hope it gets a bigger following this time round it really needs to be seen by more people. I am completely mesmerized by the character of Daniel in the same way Rust Cohle has captured my attention.

I kind of really need this….I mean come on they only have each other these days….

Just before the golf scene Marty tells Rust that the original complaint about Marie Fontenot being missing was taken by the Deputy Sheriff - one Steve Geraci.