
Didn't Rust say that the cop (Steve Geraci) was Deputy Sheriff and interviewed the family of the missing girl but he claimed that it was the Sheriff that spoke to them? So Marty knew he was full of bullshit just by that little lie.

I saw the grade before I watched the episode and I was thinking "oh god no please don't have a shitty twist where Rust or Marty have been the killers all along!"

I'm glad Hannibal is back just as True Detective is finishing up its season because I really need messed up shows in my life it seems.

Yeah Cooper was a co-lead for sure, shame for Renner but the politics of awards season are just crazy.

Best Picture: Split 3 ways for my top choice, I loved Gravity, 12 Years A Slave and American Hustle all for different reasons. I think 12 Years will win. Overlooked: Before Midnight, Short Term 12, Mud

I found this episode to be a whole lot of fun, especially the situation at the Marshal's office. I love how Rachel is essentially in charge, if Art does go before the series ends she has to be in charge right? Also Chris the IT guy was hilarious and we got some Nelson! Its time like this when you can see the

Yeah I would have given it a B+ I thought it was a lot of fun which is basically what I love about the show but like you I am be susceptible to its charms. I've never watched an episode I've not enjoyed.

I am legit sad over this, as a 80s kid Ramis had a huge impact on my early years especially in Ghostbusters.

Yeah I'm the same I tend to spend time on the site at work

Its ratings aren't huge and I know when TBS picked it up it was initially for a 4th season with an option of a 5th (which they are on) but I really don't know if it has the buzz it did back in S3 when ABC cancelled it and fans rallied around the show. Hopefully it will live another season.

He should do audio books (along with Walton Goggins)

*hangs head in shame* I'm sorry citizens of Natesville and The Cul-de-Sac Crew

That would be most welcomed. If there are ever any US celebs trying to leave the UK to go back across the pond we will of course 'deal' with them.

I guess your right in a way, both shows are great but hard to talk about in-depth. In a way it would be shame if they were cut because they don't seem to get any coverage on other TV sites and its nice to see anything written about them. As Raising Hope is unlikely to get another season cutting it before the end of

I assumed it was after his interview maybe Rust has been stalking Marty or keeping an eye on his old work place knowing the Detectives would eventually interview Marty.

I just think the daughter (or both of them) have to be involved somehow because of the weird porno pics back in 1995 that seems like a big clue. But I think it was earlier on in the comments where someone said it could have been the youngest that was actually abused whilst the other one saw it. Whilst I agree it makes

I don't watch any of these shows so I'm not too upset but I am concerned about Cougar Town and Raising Hope (though I am part of the problem for not commenting regularly)

Oh no Simon Cowell got the axe and is coming back to the UK and now Piers Morgan? Please stay away gah.

I think Marty is being prepared just in case Rust really has gone crazy, it may only be a little doubt about his former partner but after hearing everything in that interview room there has to be a tiny part of him that is worried about Rust.

I'm excited by the prospect of spending the last two episodes with 2012 Marty and Rust.