

That sounds awesome, I saw him at the O2 when he did a residence there but a smaller venue would be amazing.

Well well well whilst the 2012 Detectives may suspect Rust I am now 95% convinced he isn't the killer. I think he has spent the last 10 years off the grid investigating Tuttle and the other powerful men knowing he was never going to get far with it the official way because they have too much influence. Assuming the

Very interested in this, I've also not seen it since it aired and its been on my rewatch list forever.

I did indeed!

Asking for a friend where would one get a bust of Matthew McConaughey's face?

I enjoyed Ms Marvel, Kamala is really relatable. It doesn't matter if you aren't a teenager or Muslim Pakistani-American her worries and quest to find herself are things most people have felt at some point in their lives.

So everyone's favorite Beatles song and album? I would vote for While My Guitar Gently Weeps and Abbey Road.


I mean I was already obsessed with this show and with McConaughey's performance as Rust but now I am truly and utterly consumed by it. That is some seriously good acting, some beautifully filmed piece of art and the tension was getting unbearable. That final scene is enough to put the show in my Top 10 list for 2014

Yeah you can really see how everything connects and how complex the season is. Truly amazing stuff going on. I also like Hannibal! Seriously S2 is going to be awesome I can feel it.


This is perfection.

I could listen to him go on for hours about anything, as long as it ends in Martin telling him to shut the fuck up.

I personally want to hear Rust Cohle's thoughts on Superbowl, if we aren't getting a new True Detective this week give me a webisode of that instead.

Dog Travis has body issues

I actually understand why Johnny is pissed still, the events of S1 aren't that long ago in Justified land. Someone probably needs to do a proper timeline my guess is that S1 takes place within a few months, then S2 picks straight up from the S1 finale, we find out Winona is pregnant towards the end of S2 and she gives

Most excellent!

Yeah I do think that is the problem and also the same guests are used again and again (a problem with a lot of panel shows)