
Deadspin did something like this a couple years ago: foods of the states, ranked. I vehemently disagree with their number one, but it's a good read. http://deadspin.com/the-gre…

I love a good IPA as much as the next bearded hipster scumbag (Deschutes Fresh Squeezed is just an absolute thing of beauty), but hasn't the whole "well-hopped for a journey to the Indian subcontinent" history of the IPA been more-or-less totally debunked?

All that and no mention of the semi-recent Canadian version of Match Game, airing on Comedy Network and hosted by a fucking eerie Jason Sudekis-lookalike?

My feeling is that Vonnegut is more "enduringly popular"; he's certainly important, but he's important in the way that—if you read him at 16 or 18 or even 20—he can change your life. But if you approach him later, it might seem to you that he's a clever guy whose main talent is expressing "big" ideas in deceptively

A guy in my hometown (Windsor, ON, Canada)—Carl Leone—is currently serving an 18 year sentence for not informing his sexual partners of his HIV-positive status. He was charged with 16 accounts of aggravated sexual assault.

Cream always seemed unnecessary to me for the purposes of a White Russian—it's just *so* heavy. If I had my druthers, half-and-half would be the standard dairy component, but even 2% or 3% milk works plenty well.

Yeah, I was gonna say this was also the case in Iceland, though obviously for very different reasons than in India.

I always thought Pita Pit was a Canadian chain.

It's been so long that I've seen the film that I legitimately forgot David Hyde Pierce was even in it. When he showed up this episode, I legitimately thought it was just a totally absurd non-sequiter that became funnier and funnier as each episode passed and he didn't return in any capacity whatsoever.

Welch was the absolute best part of Silcon Valley for the first few episodes, and his death left a really big hole that I assumed was going to doom the show.

Who said anything about *blood*?

This episode was so fantastic it made me want to go and grab a bottle of the *good* bourbon!

What's weird about the Canadian context here is that we just had our own small(er) scale Cosby-esque scandal with widely admired musician/radio host Jian Ghomeshi, against whom accusations of sexual violence began piling up in October.

Semi-related: Did anyone else notice that depending on camera angle, the highway was *very* clearly switching between two and four lanes? Like, super blatantly.

I *liked* Charlie, but I still literally guffawed as he fell. So . . . not executed particularly well, no.

Goddamit, that was like *literally* a seven-minute long musical montage to end the episode. Jesus Christ.

Also, correct me if I'm wrong, but, like, weren't the dinosaurs of the *original* movie genetically modified hybrids—i.e. dinosaur genes spliced with frog genes, or something?

I had the exact same response and it was driving me crazy.

On a show with some pretty, pretty shitty gender relation issues, I have to say Sutter has finally actually impressed me with the Althea-Chibs relationship, just in terms of Jesus Christ it is just the absolute most offensive thing ever.

This one's gotta rank pretty high on the worst of all-time bad cover song montages.