

My Dinner with Andre

Minor nitpick - Primer ain't out on blu ray yet.

Awesome write-up - lots of depth and interesting stuff to extract to be sure!

Awesome write-up - lots of depth and interesting stuff to extract to be sure!

One of the lines that always stood out from this episode (besides 'I get it!', or any of the dialogue surrounding Chrissy's death scene) is when Tony and Sonya are lying in bed and she says,

One of the lines that always stood out from this episode (besides 'I get it!', or any of the dialogue surrounding Chrissy's death scene) is when Tony and Sonya are lying in bed and she says,



Did anyone else notice the similarity between this scene (Paulie laughing at the TV like a jerkoff), and AJ sitting in his room giggling on some chit-chat room?

Did anyone else notice the similarity between this scene (Paulie laughing at the TV like a jerkoff), and AJ sitting in his room giggling on some chit-chat room?

Lost it laughing with Junior's fantasy, going from the feds offering cancer immunity, to somehow bedding Angie Dickinson with his 'star witness' power. Totally ridiculous, yet hilarious when you consider that Junior wouldn't think the outcome that far-fetched in his own mind.

Another final scene hint