
I knew Rupert Murdoch looked familiar - "he chose poorly…."

Megyn Kelly had Ken Kratz and Dean Strang on back to back. First, Ken Kratz is still a fuckiing weasel and now looks like a stingy ball of cat dingleberry, and second, the "sweat" evidence as opined earlier is total bullshit.

Sounds about right - they truly only buy old fat white guys with weird facial hair.

That solves it. Keith Sweat was obviously the perpetrator of this "Twisted" crime……

That and the fact that they got the majority of their initial Dassey story from the 13-year-old niece Kayla. Just sickening on so many levels.

Hits WAY too close to home with the whole "I read it in Kiss the Girls" angle…..

John Rocker's obviously the culprit - they're just trying to protect their own.

Yeah, this Pajiba "article" is misleading as fuck. Alot of the "damning evidence" came from a witness account taken months after the initial disappearance. And the "sweat DNA" is totally misleading - the DNA was present but cannot be objectively identified as coming from a sweating individual or from a wet transfer.