
You should check out his turn in "Top of the Lake." He shows his real acting chops in that show (which is also excellent).

Even though Enlightened had its moments—and it had them, a lot of them—it is in no way a superior show to either Breaking Bad or Game of Thrones. It just isn't.

What could be better than this season of GOT or BB? There were no other shows (except maybe Scandal) that lit up the Internet after their respective finales (in GOT case, it was, you know THAT episode). Also: Boardwalk Empire NOT better than The Good Wife or The Americans? Really? Do we all watch the same television?

Where oh where are Scott Tobias and Nathan Rabin now writing film reviews? I want to go to there. I love some of the TV bloggers on AV Club, but the film reviews (and film coverage) are so snickering and "smarmy asshole video store clerk" in tone now. I'm over it.

It's kind of refreshing to see David Blaine just doing magic instead of dangling above London in a glass toilet for 78 months or whatever.

I think it's fair to say that 0% of the "OG" bands from the Seattle would have ever, ever self-identified—in a million years—as a "grunge" band. I'm still reasonably sure they don't, even in the glare of history. It was a title assigned to them by outsiders, whereas PUNK was an ethos that almost became religion to

I actually think it IS funny, which is a terribly subjective experience. I live in L.A. and I happen to find his put ons clever and funny, even those that fall flat. It beats another pic of an actor at fashion week in Paris.

I'm just really tired of the Franco narrative on this site. I'm not saying the guy is a genius. I'm saying his an ACTOR. They all have massive egos. You think any of them are any less self-absorbed than he is (because you would be wrong). At least he's TRYING to be DIFFERENT even if he fails some of the time. Listen,

What kills me about your reflections on James Franco is the ongoing assumption that he's never—not for five seconds—having us all on, even some of the time. Really? You don't think the guy has a sense of humor about himself? Jesus Christ, at least he stretches himself artistically. Herzog is known for making up tall

How can you not love a show that has a rhyme scheme partnered with the lyric: "I have a dick as big as a shoe?" This shit was epic. EPIC, I say. Pure awesomeness.

I saw the ending differently. I saw it as a clever contrast between being an actual woman (broke, hungry, tired, literally missing the bus to take her to her children and, therefore, successful motherhood; she herself says in this episode that she's not convinced that she's a good mom) and the object of desire. That