
Warren Buffet is an accomplished businessman and Channing Tatum is fucking gorgeous, so they are white guys who are at least a bit supreme. Whereas the guys who shout white supremacy are chinless morons aka white guys who are spectacularly un-supreme.

Mississippi Gary was also retconned out of blackface by the second season.

The one where Dave Foley plays a college student bringing home her black boyfriend hoping to appall her parents (Mark and Kevin, I think), and instead they're friendly and welcoming and Thompson's character is really preppy?

AFter having the latest week of The Walking Dead inflicted upon them, the remaining fans needs someone to talk them into the lie that they aren't wasting their time watching a show that's been rotting from the head at least 3 years

UPS people matter. Congress, meh.

I think Craig Ferguson's old intern Bridger said something on the tweetie about how they capture the energy and excitement of a protein shake, and that seemed somehow unfair to protein shakes.

Criminal Intent. He doesn't kill his mother, he kills because he's trying to frame a Catholic charity group that his mentally ill mother would give all his things away to as a child. He's also a master forger.

An adopted Vietnamese orphan would be great cover for this operation most likely.

Not that Appolonia isn't treated horribly in the movie, but if you think that makes hi most misogynistic artist of the 80s…well, you're just proving you were born in 2003 and have no concept of history.

Is it the color of your skin?

That was at least (I think) somewhat knowing as she was still more famous at the start of their marriage.

He was pissed about that on twitter, tweeting that her name was Michelle McNamara. They then updated the twitter promo with her name instead his, which he thanked them for.

It's almost the textbook example of why visibility matters; the reason Buffalo Bill was wielded as a weapon against by transpeople (setting aside the issue of is she/isn't he for a second) is because there were so few transcharacters in major motion pictures in the early 90s, and he's a serial killer, and lots of

Michael Penn, though it could be considered cheating to choose music over acting.

His left foot clearly moved.

Incidentally, has anyone ever told Spencer about Martin Gore's father? And if not, can we make sure we have video when someone does?

Alas, no.

He was the president of Godfather's, but I don't think he was the owner.

Cocaine, erm, crystal meth is a helluva drug.