carter burke

movie aside, i love the ongoing premise of CTOTD

what would you prefer, smudges of dirt on his face? i like the picture.

and try fasting. its good for the soul

well, different strokes, i suppose. i mention the restriction diet to highlight how little is understood about food and diet and metabolism, and in particular that bullshit 'health' food whatever that means. in practice, most things i encounter every day are virtually brand new, from electric light to morons on the

parliments lights, yessir. the sexy packaging makes me feel like an aviator

a caloric restriction diet is one of very, very few ways to vastly increase your life expectancy. such a diet will also vastly improve quality of life.

is george w bush famous?

rob lowe
i like him

if youve seen 30 seconds of this show, youve seen every single thing this show has to offer… so yeah, just like vicodin

this article
i find this article well written. i approve

any female that knows about Cerenkov radiation is deserving of my attention (that is, hot)

enough of the naked men in the banner ads

too much of barts sister/homers daughter


i suddenly feel like less of a pervert for liking powerpuff girls