
Nicolas Cage's hair is a bird because "I've never seen you around here before"!

I was gonna donate $100 to starving African children, but thanks to all the assholery in here, I decided to put it to better use by backing this awesome Kickstarter.

You have to be really miserable and cut yourself to REALLY GET Community.

Your disgusting attitude on Harmontown made me think all Community fans are huge assholes for a while. Obviously, that's not the case, but people like you, who think you're more important than the show you're supporting, are really disgusting and off-putting.
I didn't plan on ever saying that to your face, but I'm

Don't you guys have your own forum for circle-jerking?

Either the AVC's Facebook dick sucking plug-in is broken or I just watch really popular shows… I could swear everything I opened last week was in the 3-4 figures range.

I usually see hundreds or thousands of Facebook and Twitter shares on A. V. Club reviews. This episode of Sherlock has just one after more than 24 hours since publishing? Must be the quality of the writing then.

"This blog is the story of two men and their frankly ridiculous adventures.” If this gets any more meta I'll have to stop writing these reviews because I'm embarrassing myself"
John Watson was LITERALLY Holmes' biographer since the conception of the character. He's been writing stories about their adventures since

It's never the wedding that ends life. It's the spawn. I believe most people use the metaphor of "marriage" to signify the abrupt ending of their social/intellectual/sexual lives that occurs when they reproduce. The interruption can last temporarily, indefinitely or permanently (depending on the quality of the spawn).

I believe most police forces in the world favor brawn over brain. Not that there's anything wrong with that (except everything).


1. Casey Wilson Wears A White Lace Dress And A Black Blazer
2. Andy Richter Wears A Suit Jacket And A Baby Blue Button Down Shirt
3. Sarah Silverman Wears A Black Dress With A White Collar

He's not lazy, he's a job creator!

I feel sorry for you, David Sims, if you think the only gag in that episode of Childrens Hospital was the fact that they were British.

Off the top of my head, I think they'd have to have an Asian religion and dress in clothes with discrete Asian motifs, so as to showcase at all times how proud they are of their ethnicity. If they don't do that, they're just trying to be white and shit, yo.

If the free market doesn't crush you, I will.

@avclub-560eb60373b30a42bb1d813a47ebae5b:disqus I hope The Dissolve has a Path to Prosperity that doesn't involve pop-up ads for Plan B.

You bet your soft ass it is.

High five, brah!

Thank God somebody else is speaking the truth around here, not just me and Romney!