True Dick 2 was dope, fuck all y'all
Pff… more like Proctor Sponge
Santa ingests some "healing mushrooms" & attracts 5th dimensional alien beings with his flute that inspire him to create some magic toys. That is where i knew it.
More please.
This comics is fucking great. Grant Morrison is insane
It's bizarre to think Stalone is now the same age that Burgess Meredith was in the original Rocky
More like 5 & 1/2 years to be generous, headline.
god damn i love Shane Black
"There (are) only going to be (5) actor(s) playing Indiana Jones and that’s Harrison Ford(River Phoenix, Sean Patrick Flanery, George Hall, & Corey Carrier )." - S.S.
Maybe my math is wrong but shouldn't Conor Haw- sorry- "William" be 12 or so now?
Think you mean NFC Chamionship
but then who would have reduced Bobba Fett into a shitty punchline?
I foundnd it fascinating that Lucas turned the Sarlacc Pit very phalic in the new addition of Jedi.
Um i think you guys might have just raped eachother
It's spelled Yoda
Beef up Uncle Owen & Aunt Beru's relationship with Anakin, so it make some kind of sense that Luke is raised by them. Make them heroes of the Clone War or something. You had Joel Edgerton right fucking there, use him!
Pics or GTFO
Holy shit, they kind of set the ground work for that in Rougue Nation. Derf neebs to hap.
You want the impossible