If final five is the last time he can use either idol (which has been the case since Panama), then none of any of that matters. He now has two tribals in which he can save himself from a vote, and two idols to play.
If final five is the last time he can use either idol (which has been the case since Panama), then none of any of that matters. He now has two tribals in which he can save himself from a vote, and two idols to play.
I dunno. I bet winning that Tribal turned Tony from six to midnight. Nine o'clock at the very least.
I'm guessing you mean Tasha instead of Trish. Other than that, I worked this one out in my head too. So great minds and all that.
Tony suggests that there will clarity next week. So we'll see.
It's why I work so hard to manage my brand. Clearly.
You've made two assumptions that we just don't know about: A) if Tony can play his Hidden II at final four and that there will be a final two rather than a final three.
What he said. They have the challenges planned, but can mix up the order if necessary. And maybe even come up with something on the spot ("alright, throw up some poles for them to stand on or something").
They gave out rewards last season without reward challenges. The winner of the challenge got both.
People seem to be under the impression that Trish isn't likable because Lindsay didn't like her. Is it not possible that Lindsay was the problem? I know, this is a big leap of faith to take, but just maybe?
Depends on who has Probst's cellphone number.
Not a crazy idea. It could work, as long as you're willing to look stupid. And I do think people pick up on things at Tribal all the time, but it's often too late to do anything about it at that Tribal, since players have traditionally been unwilling to change their votes there (although this trend might be changing -…
I bet you work with models… statistical models! (That's a thing you accountants do, right?)
So… what do we do with Tony and the special idol, points-wise? There's no way for him to play it incorrectly, but what happens if he doesn't need to play it at all? He shouldn't be penalized for the fact that no plurality tries to vote him out, right?
I don't. But I also love when contestants insult other contestants in confessionals. It's my favourite.
Well he did and didn't use the idol. He didn't officially hand it to Jeff, but it protected him from the final four vote all the same.
Many people don't want to be the leader, so they're grateful to let someone else be the target. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't. Letting Russell Hantz take the arrows worked out great for Natalie, and almost did for Parvati. Letting Tyson do it did not work out so great for Gervase and Monica.
Yeah. I am the worst.
I was describing Gary's idol in Guatemala.
Right now, we have no idea how long the idol is in play for. They didn't show it last night, and when I DM'd Tony about it (which is a gross name-droppy thing that I don't intend on doing often here), he said that he couldn't tell us due to possible spoilers.
Randomly. Although there's probably not been many instances where the split was 50/50 male/female.