Would never happen. Unless he developed a massive concussion that made him forget he had it. Which I assume would lead to his evac.
Would never happen. Unless he developed a massive concussion that made him forget he had it. Which I assume would lead to his evac.
The simpler answer could be that all of LJ's plotting was in LJ's head, so there's no footage to show.
He could certainly pretend he has a special one, but he'd have to decide what's special about it. They don't know that the special powers are that he can use it after the votes are read.
I thought that as well, but an online scene has Kass mentioning that there are two idols out there: a regular one and the special powers one. Not sure how she knows that, but she does, and thus it's possible others do too.
Tony has confirmed to us that an idol cannot be played during the tiebreaker vote.
She definitely is, so if she wins, my theory is shit.
I love how you keep trying to sell that Spencer made a terrible choice in trying to vote out the person who just dumped out the tribe's rice. At least you're still not saying that him keeping his idol last week only bought him three more days. Because that one didn't pan out so well for you.
All articles of clothing exaggerate the sway of her breasts. It is unavoidable.
K is black in CMYK, so that's what I used.
No deception at all. That one looked rough from the outset.
All-Star seasons are a sometimes treat.
Looks like I nailed this prediction.
Can't believe all those stills and quick video clips of people in and around airplanes didn't draw everyone in. If only one more website published a preview where they weren't allowed to discuss anything, then the numbers would've been better.
Yeah, that was kind of a bitch move by me.
I've been recording with a different program, I think that's to blame. Thanks for the head's up.
GREAT example. Perhaps the best. This one is my bad, since John for sure hasn't seen that season. Don't know about @Ms_Woozah:disqus.
If you're the kind of person who enjoys it when we bring up our podcast, you'll be happy to know that the latest is up, with special guest @Ms_Woozah:disqus: wp.me/p45l1Q-4N
For me it's Bob's idol for both. Its construction was magnificent, and goofing on Randy beat's Jason's stick. Randy playing the fake idol is my favourite moment of that season.
Except that if they gave up their camp, they'd be eaten by Lions.