You're welcome?
Pete stole the clue from Abi-Maria to set up RC in Caramoan. Clues are fair game.
I don't consider "better than Lindsey" to much of a bar to clear.
Sometimes I forget: is this just shtick, or do we really hate each other now?
Pretty sure that's always been proportional.
They were probably equally well hidden from some of the seasons most recent to Samoa, which is why Russell had good ideas where to look. But nowhere near as well hidden as they were in season like Fiji, Tocantins, or Micronesia, where people had to dig into the earth in exact spots to find them.
Never really had a problem with not remembering to be funny or insightful. Or forgetting to get my point in.
Oh yeah, if she really was 20 (although I think she is 21), they can get around that given their location. But Survivor's general rule of thumb is that their production is bound by the laws of both the United States and those of the country they are filming in.
Yeah, I can't even take credit it's such an easy and ideal comp.
Except that Hantz is about five feet tall, depending on if he's wearing that stupid hat or not.
For awhile, it would've been pointless to look for an idol without a clue, they were so well hidden.
I wonder if Russell's initial antics won't play as well on rewatch if you've been watching seasons since then. They've become commonplace now (the idol things), but at the time, it was revolutionary.
I'm coming around to this idea. If you accept that he's actually not all that interesting (I think someone here has been putting forth that idea, once or twice), then a good explanation for his featured status in the edit is that he's the winner.
Too bad "Survivor contestant" is no longer that big a sell for world at large. If she'd been on the show back when it was popular (but, you know, was her current age), they'd back up a Brinks truck to get her on the cover.
Production does tip Survivors off, they just won't reveal that on the show. But many Survivors have said that the best way to find the idols is to pay attention to what the cameras are doing. If you go off somewhere, and they don't seem that interested, you're in the wrong spot. If you're somewhere and they won't…
Me and Tony's are besties now. Water under the bridge.
As someone who talks into a microphone for an hour a week, I will not make fun of anybody's verbal tics. You might not want to throw stones either.
I'd be willing to bet (without being willing to check) that the episode after the seismic game-changing episode post-merge is always predictable.
It wasn't terrible. It just was.