
Yes that murder seemed too vicious and pointless to just let it go, And for Ray to basically ignore it? That was brutal even if the idiot he killed had just killed another person too.

I do not read comic books and have no idea about the characters you all are talking about. I was just excited to see my guy from Suits as a character on this show! lol

and who cares if they said only Kendra could kill him- someone upstairs knew she needed to GO.

and I will be interested to see what kind of acting jobs she lands after this.

I hope the other shows get the hint and do not use the Kendal character or recast that part. She was terrible.

Thank heavens they got rid of Kendra and Vandal and who is that other hawk guy… we hardly knew ya Carter, don't let the door hit the three of you on the out. I was so happy when the hawk couple flew away. I hated all three of those characters. They really brought the show down, bad acting and bad characters.

I love this show. Sad you are stopping your reviews. I read several sites so there are other sites to discuss the show on. Thanks

It is better. As many things that are going on, it makes way more sense and is involving people we know and care about much more than last season. That was not their greatest.

I was watching that scene wondering why on earth Sarah would just walk in and trust a total stranger after all she has been through and should know better.
That rang a very false note.

was she in this episode?

I agree. Kira drags the story when ever she is in it. Why isn't she back with Dad again? I forgot why. Is it not safe again?

I honestly cannot believe he never made a will.

I think Donnie is becoming my favorite character! I too totally thought the eye pigment matched the opening credits.
I was seriously happy when they had them gagging and getting sick from digging up a corpse. This is a pet peeve of mine. I hate all the TV shows that totally ignore this realistic fact. Crime shows

Agree with the shot of them all frozen. Liked that. They looked ready to be molded into action figures or a poster!

This show is a hot mess. It has no heart and makes no sense. I was hoping for more since I like Arthur Darvill and was hoping he could be as good here as he was as Rory on Dr. Who. Alas this has not been the case. The cast does not have chemistry and the writing feels totally like comic book sat morning tv. I am still

I really like Patton and I was enjoyed the review. Then when I got to the comments I was wondering what why people were talking about his wife. I hopped off and googled her and omg, what a sad thing. She died in her sleep. I am so sorry. I feel terrible for him and his daughter.

I enjoyed this episode. I am really interested in why Beth killed herself and who she , I assumed murdered with that gun. The living things in people's face are so excellently creepy without being over the top. I like that.

They did leave some threads hanging, The wine, the captain being mad with them, and you are right about Mycroft being a very odd character to use with the sister. How did the sister even know about them? They kept it on the down low and were not even dating that long. That was not a fit. I am glad they added a sister.

One thing, where is Peter?

Agree. Watched her in UK shows and love her. Hope to see more of her when this ends.