
Annyong was Korean though.

More like a classic firing squad, but in this case everyone is shooting live rounds.

FXXX? I don't think I ever want to see Louis C.K. having sex.

You mean Abed succumbs to his inner psychopath and kills and eats Troy while simultaneously making direct reference to Dr. Hannibal Lecter of the Silence of the Lambs

Actually it's Bill Murray, and guess when it's going to hatch…
on Groundhog's Day

I hope that if one day they figure out how to control the dome, that they decide to keep the dome because they are so attached to it and it's such a part of their lives now.
fuck the outside world.

thank you, this makes me feel like they haven't completely failed us

What if Harrison is the "Miami Brain Surgeon"?
Utterly neglected by his Father who also happens to be a serial killer and a blood splatter analyst, decides to become a serial killer to get the attention he never receives.