That Brit Wanker

Er… depends on what you think China is.  The writer of this article hasn't quite figured out there's a significant difference between Hong Kong and the mainland.  Hong Kong hospitals are great.  PRC ones I've yet to enjoy…

Er… depends on what you think China is.  The writer of this article hasn't quite figured out there's a significant difference between Hong Kong and the mainland.  Hong Kong hospitals are great.  PRC ones I've yet to enjoy…

And of course
"He's thrown a kettle over a pub, what have you done?"

OK but …
The first thing I thought after I watched this was that the ending wasn't that good. Could have done with a few more car chases and a giant robot lizard too.

"Oh, and 28 Days later? Those aren't even zombies. Those are living people driven mad by rage. Anything that would kill an ordinary human would kill them."

What a bunch of twats. It's not even The Beach that should be namechecked by that article, it's William Sutcliffe's Are You Experienced? for a bunch of idiots. And sadly, a year dicking about in Thailand isn't going to open the minds of these public-school dim bulbs - they were still just as daft when they got to

And I've just made myself listen to that Megan Mullaly version, and I almost put my foot through my television. What's next, somebody saying Susan Boyle does a good Frank's Wild Years?

Mule Variations is nothing more than a weak Greatest-Hits wodge of Tom Waits-lite, in comparison with his earlier work - when I heard it, it felt like he was pastiching himself.

Out_the_loop, were you meaning to type 'wtf is 9/11 lol' or did you not want to steal Starz' glory?

You can take the zombie out of the big tits, but you can never take the big tits out of the zombie.

All well and good…
… but the only 3D film you should be covering this year is Big Tits Zombie 3D.

Wish I'd been at the premier
The first I hear of this Lundgren classic is eight years after it's released? Curse and bless you, Recycler-o-matic, in equal portion

The Departed was an ok film, unless you happen to have watched Infernal Affairs, in which case it was shit. Not as shit-sprayingly memory-raping awful as Stallone's Get Carter, but why it was lauded so highly is a mystery to me.

Mind you, if you're in the UK or Australia, it's illegal to have even depictions of cartoon children having sex (somebody was done recently for having Simpsons porn). Is Lisa Simpson the victim?

The Geto Boys had a song about a plumber who's a psychic rapist of necrophiliacs?

Expensive production values?
Really? I watched it last night and the combination of graininess, noise and incredibly poor lighting on the night scenes made it almost unwatchable near the end. And as for the lame CGI in the climax … Oh well, I suppose one doesn't watch the A-Team for wonderful cinematography.

Hush now about the secret oil reserves.

Somebody has to be pedantic
I'd just like to be the first to say, these aren't zombies. They're just very, very angry.

W C Fields, surely.

I say, I'm not so sure that you are, old chap.