
I look forward to this.


Ivan Reitman was a producer for Space Jam.

25th Hour and Doubt are great performances as well. I always found him to be one of if not the best in any movie he did. Including this, such a small part but so memorable.

I agree with most sentiments that I didn't find the episode racist at all while watching it, the most offensive part was how boring the whole episode was, and how it was more or less filler. I was shocked at the response. "Hey it's white people dressed up like Chinese people! Racist!" Come on people, nothing they said

Any of Bob Dylan's Christmas album come to mind.

Any of Bob Dylan's Christmas album come to mind.

Probably the worst Christmas song of all time.

Probably the worst Christmas song of all time.

I thought Hitler got fucked up by Eli Roth.

I thought Hitler got fucked up by Eli Roth.

I don't know whether to be pissed or flattered that I live in the only state that apparently matters in an election.

I don't know whether to be pissed or flattered that I live in the only state that apparently matters in an election.

Red Zone Cuba should have been on this list for sure. Best episode of the series.

Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection, and Madman Across the Waterare all in that style. It wasn't until Davey Johnstone joined the band on Honky Chateau that it became more glam (Rocket Man) but even that album is more like it's predecessors. Don't Shoot Me is really Elton's first glam album.

Elton John, Tumbleweed Connection, and Madman Across the Waterare all in that style. It wasn't until Davey Johnstone joined the band on Honky Chateau that it became more glam (Rocket Man) but even that album is more like it's predecessors. Don't Shoot Me is really Elton's first glam album.

The Bitch is Back really works because of the fucking guitar riff. Elton's band is the most underrated part about Elton John in the 70's.

The Bitch is Back really works because of the fucking guitar riff. Elton's band is the most underrated part about Elton John in the 70's.

Yeah I know which really isn't true if you listen to a lot of earlier Elton John stuff, him and Bowie are quite different. Elton was more interested in stuff like The Band and Americana (Tumbleweed Connection)

Yeah I know which really isn't true if you listen to a lot of earlier Elton John stuff, him and Bowie are quite different. Elton was more interested in stuff like The Band and Americana (Tumbleweed Connection)