min alskaren

baby, no. love yourself!

I managed to keep my av club account but I'm also constantly getting logged out of it and asked to sign into my disqus account.

Yes I went into the hashtag to mock them but the circlejerking going on there made me leave real quick.

The fact that milo supporters continue to use this one tweet as a comparison is hilarious to me. Not only is it not even on par with what milo has said or done over the years it was a direct response from leslie to a person tweeting leslie vile and racist shit. Leslie has every reason to call them out for it.

Marijuana, you are my new favorite.

He tries so hard, too. I just wish that someone as concerned about physical aplearance as he is would learn how to bleach their hair so it isn't so fucking brassy.

Yeah I'd imagine it's super annoying for a black woman to be repeatedly called an ape by thousands of Milo's fans.

I love how people call what he does trolling like this excuses his disgusting behavior. He's still one human being who encouraged a large group of human beings to verbally assault another human being.
Look I've been on the internet a couple of decades. I've spent my fair share of time on forums like something awful

i had to unlike the page because of how awful the comments are

protest now by deleting your Twitter account

I feel like these were designed poorly but I also feel like I'll be buying a shit ton of them for my kids and also me

The other day I told one of my kids to close the door because I wasn't paying to air condition the entire neighborhood so I can confirm we're all turning into our parents. Or at least I am.

duh my ghost would go to heaven some of us are good Christians ok

i hate you for making me upvote this

hey that's still more good films than bad ones!

alright but did you spend your late teens/early 20's getting high and watching elm street movies because that changes things a bit.
i agree, they're not great but personally they're still some of my favorite "horror" films.

Well they can't all be hits

Can I just tell you that I almost didn't click on this comment section because as a rape survivor I was worried about the kinds of comments I might find and yours have been so hilarious, so thank you.

This is one of the many reasons women don't report their rapes and it's so sad.

Jokes on you because I'm 100% not a skeleton and I'm actually a woman so I've never even had an erection!