min alskaren

The B in LGBT stands for "bees" everyone knows that

Geocities? Talk to me when you've got an AngelFire page up and I'll think about it

I'm going to have to challenge you on nightmare on elm st and star wars.

As a kid I liked a lot of shit, too.

"I don't care either way about this movie!" -same person in every comment section on every Ghostbusters article

No you have to give all copies of the original film to the woman nearest to you and she will use her vagina to destroy it

Don't forget the wife! She's to blame for wanting to see a movie her husband didn't want to see.

It's fun to laugh at them?

I got really caught up in the gift/exchange subreddits but it's such an overwhelmingly negative place I eventually gave up on those decent subs

I feel like my entire body grew a tinfoil hat while reading those screencaps

I'm basically dead inside and I get erections all the time so I think you're okay there

So that's a no to used condoms but what about anal beads?

Yes and they only drink that special dr pepper made for men

like a fingernail or toenail

Is now a good time to mention I have a nine inch nails tattoo

Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I campaigned for McCain in 2000. RIP 2000 McCain.

You talk like someone who has nothing to lose with regards to a Trump presidency.

Yeah, fuck me and my reproductive rights! And fuck immigrants, too! Like seriously do you hear how you sound?

Whatever he is he's 100% certified butthead