min alskaren

Listen I'm the first to tell you there are jerks on all sides and perhaps the Berniebros phrase was sensationalized but I've met some of these sad souls and they are very much real.

They don't have to cgi Evans' booty! It was cgi'd by God! And america!

Feel free to dm that one to me, spidey.

In what world did people not care about the films those characters originated from?

I would like to counter this claim with Chris Evans

Finally, a new spider-man movie I'd watch.

I don't need another origin story spidey movie, no one does.

I could probably manage a half-hearted handjob but that's it.

I was so excited for civil war but I kept missing opportunities to see it and I've seen most the important parts in gif format, what else do I need, really.

I'm going to buy this and pretend it's for my children

And with Captain America merch made in China.

Let's hope he's shirtless for some of the celebration.

i keep wondering when i'll get over hannibal being cancelled

i would get cable again just to watch this


6 seasons and a movie!

classic ripper

i just skip to sexting nowadays

i'm torn because i want to upvote for the first sentence, completely ignore entire comment for the second.

i loved the new adventures of old christine, i just adore her comedic presence and timing.