min alskaren

he had a crush on her in winter soldier? where?

*only female Carters tho

chris actually wanted to be shirtless for this scene but they wouldn't let him because the filmmakers genuinely hate me

"I'd argue that you should leave them with the impression that violence is something bad people do to good people rather than the other way around, if you have to choose between those 2 over-simplifications."

maybe don't think about them all the time just some of the time?

yeah please don't think about the children then

yeah it definitely smells a little funky

some children apparently were upset about it, given the ad was placed near a rec center.
of course I'm basing that on the comments here so I don't know hoe accurate that information is.

that's a fair point, I'm just particularly sensitive to the reasoning behind removing this one.

i disagree. have a great weekend!

yeah, i totally get that. i think my tone this evening has to do with the comments stating that anyone looking at this would 100% understand the context and be able to read the title therefore no one should be upset by it.

i can't recall an image comparable to this one being in roadrunner cartoons, plus the violence that is depicted in those specific cartoons is usually done to the established bad guy.
that is a fair point about adult protesters. i think children are capable of understanding many complex concepts and that a lot of adults

i have a lot of kids, i know they're not as dumb as some people think.
i also know that depending on their age and development they may not process complicated themes like adults might. that's why many of the examples you pointed out tend to go over their heads. some examples, still, are not ones they can relate

there were plenty of people upset over it you were just too busy talking to notice

i didn't ask for this poster to be taken down but i understand why it's being taken down, also i think it's a real dumb ad.
if evangelicals were upset i would respect their opinion even if i disagreed, however, i don't think the two situations you're wanting to compare here have that much in common, given that

i do genuinely apologize. it was meant as hyperbole, not a personal attack.
poor word choice on my part.

what if they never went with this advert to begin with?
we can talk about hypotheticals all night.
or we can talk about the actual issue people have with the imagery in this ad.

"I don't mean to be rude, but it seems that much of the energy being used to criticize this ad can and should be used to raise money and awareness for organizations and causes that deal with domestic abuse"
you can do more than one thing at a time.

i meant "shared" as in an opinion you also hold with another person.
not as in shared with the internet and world, etc.