min alskaren

that's not what he was saying but i do think i overreacted.

i understand you don't agree with them and i don't agree with yours but our perspectives are still valid.
i have a problem when someone's opinion gets written of and devalued because it isn't shared.

no one is saying this.
what they are saying is that maybe you're not taking into account other perspectives on this issue.

nope, but i do think it might be particularly traumatizing for children(or adults) to see this image if they've already experienced this exact type of domestic violence.

honestly? i hate the fact that there is so much violence in advertising in general.

well it's a shitty ad that shouldn't have existed in the first place, so i'm cool with them taking it down.
i also think it's a real lousy depiction of the film and the story in general.

you do realize that children are not particularly capable of separating fiction from reality or deducing that this image shows a superhero film rather than glorifying some of the existing abuse they may already be witnessing at home.

have you ever met a child before?

keep pretending images don't matter.

aww, sincere and heartfelt words from you as always.

because humans are only capable of caring about one thing at a time.

"my mind"

he is a living garbage can, he can't help himself.

disqus digest emails, for one.

example 1 shows iron man falling, not at all similar to being choked by a villain.
example 2 doesn't show anyone in peril, merely in action poses. the only way you'd know they're in peril in this example is if you had the context from the film.

or perhaps the ad is a problem on several issues and you simply refuse to accept any of them because they don't relate to you.

not everyone who views this ad, given its many locations, is able to accurately judge fiction from reality.
example: children.

so a straight man?
alrighty then.

some people who see this and are upset by it aren't adults but fuck them, right?

i just love that, when faced with a genuine comment about actual children being upset about the image depicted in this ad, your immediate reaction is to make fun of their pain.