min alskaren

but you don't understand!!! no one could look at this and not immediately know the context! plus it has "x-men apocalypse" written on it and surely everyone who looks at it knows how to read!!

oh, thank god you talked to everyone who saw this ad before making this comment.

you know that people can see this image who can't read the text, like you know illiteracy is a thing, right? especially among children.

nope but i do think some people who see this are children who can't assume context.

and it's storified in images for children who can't read!

surely the context can be presumed by some but not everyone

but not their personal comfort because fuck people's feelings.

i'm so happy you took time to comment

she's also bisexual in the comics but i don't see them rushing to add that to the movies.

you have to stop

as a comics fan, i haven't seen it yet but as far as the look of apocalypse i am super excited because he looks just like how i wanted him to look.
the trailers haven't been great with his depiction and do seem phoned in but my feelings will probably change after i see it.

true story: i can't watch game of thrones anymore because sansa's rape hits too close to home.
i guess i'm just another one of those PC cry babies.

except that so many domestic violence cases go unreported and ones that are prosecuted see very little jail time.
but since you're throwing around the word "retarded" like it's an okay thing to say i'm going to go ahead and assume you're not worth wasting more time explaining things to you that you clearly have chosen

apocalypse was such a huge deal during the age of apocalypse and it was like my first huge series i got into(legion quest and all that.) so it certainly plays on my nostalgia and considering the previous two x-men films in this series were great(aside from the fact that kitty pride was the real one to travel back and

damn, beaten to the punch again.

also please don't make me think about other people's feelings.

oh, honey.

is this a joke or are you serious because i have 4 children who almost always spend their allowance money on new comics at least twice a month.
there are massive amounts of comics on the market for younger children and tweens.

sure. people who "want" to have a problem.
do you even hear yourself when you're speaking/typing?
you honestly think women who have been choked like this see this poster and *want* to be reminded of the time their husband or boyfriend did this exact same thing to them?