min alskaren

but they're blue so it's okay!
in the context of the movie it makes sense!

you're too late! they've already used their flaccid dicks to angrily type those comments all over the place!

not everyone who sees the poster will see the movie

do you try to be this obtuse or were you born that way?

literally not what anyone is saying at all.

you got it!

cry more about how upset you are over other people being upset.

i hate to be one of those "think of the children" people but, uh, think of the children.

because everyone who sees this ad can read

don't apologize, you're 100% correct.

i'm gonna comb

i think this is ridiculous but if they start auctioning off chris evans clothing someone please let me know
i am not a pervert

i'm gonna add that to my twitter bio

or maybe you weren't looking for it 10-20 years ago?
you noticing a thing and that thing being an actual major thing that's occurring can be two different things.

too late

bustin' nuts, maybe.

i blame chris hardwick


if i could upvote this more than once i surely would

was she actually checking social media or was she using her phone to take a photograph while at the zoo?