min alskaren

yeah dude i just completely disagree with you.
yes, there are queer characters in existence but what's wrong with wanting more? how hard do you need to look for representations of yourself in media?

okay but a hashtag and collection of tweets isn't putting pressure on creators.
if fans were picketing or writing actual letters trying to get people fired or something of that nature i could see that point but with twitter it's completely different.

"it's his job to have an opinion!"
on movies he's seen, maybe.

i want to kiss you right now

hey it's not all bad, at least they get to pick on fangirls.

it's true no one paid attention outside of their own circles and during that time entitled nerds had a free pass to discredit and shame others.
as someone who spent years getting shit from entitled nerds it's kinda nice to see their lousy and toxic behavior getting called out.

he could have issued a statement to curious fans, the video wasn't warranted and personally i don't buy his reasons for not seeing it. it's seen far worse, as he admits himself in the video.

yeah, it is a bit tongue and cheek with sherlock. then again, that's one reason i stopped watching it.

why does fanart bother you?

give him a break, he already mentioned brokeback mountain.

i've been in a lot of fandoms for a lot of years and i've encountered a *lot* of shippers and for what that's worth, the large majority of female shippers aren't straight, they're queer.

sir winston douchehill made this point already, but it's not about platonic relationships between two men are boring but that there are so, SO many to choose from already.
plus you've got queer people picking up on the subtext present in some of these bromances and you add to that to the fact that there isn't enough

can i just borrow his torso for a second?

yeah let's maybe not talk about using a machete on the skulls of queer kids looking for some representation

because gay or bisexual men aren't real men
okey dokey

and they are just friends

i agree but it would also be nice if straight wasn't the constant default for everything

"for pure shock value" this right here

there's room for both

*slow clap*