min alskaren

it definitely wasn't gonna be any good anyway

why are you hurting me like this

*slides you some vertigo and aftershock titles*

if you don't shit your pants over steve being a nazi then what do you shit your pants over?

yeah, this will be resolved rather quickly but it doesn't take away from the fact that it was a really shitty thing to do in the first place.

my biggest problem is how cheap it is
i've been reading books for 2+ decades and i have seem some weird shit but this is by far the most desperate

i am so angry about this you guys

upvoting for stucky but i agree with the rest

well, honestly, it's not a choice seeing as how nearly all bromances remain platonic and never cross the line to canon no matter how much subtext is out there.

i have so much hate in my heart for that man

fans loved the veronica mars movie though

i work with young children and have 4 young children myself and in my experience children don't have any issue understanding love between two individuals, it's the adults with all the hangups.

you lost me at "true fan"

is there really a stigma around close male friendships?(not being confrontational, serious question)
when it comes to fictional characters and their relationships it's like bromances as far as the eye can see.
meanwhile, queer folks are left to heavily draw from the subtext just to find something even sort of relatable.

you earned my upvote

people can insist sexism has nothing to do with it but like akroyd's performance in ghostbusters 2 - i ain't buying it.

i only ever found bill murray funny in the original, for what it's worth(which ain't much.)

that's what we called "funny" in the 80's ok

you know you don't have to read them all
or even comment

gonna burn this comment along with my bras