min alskaren

you're probably right

i kind of have a major crush on the actor that plays dong and i was super sad to not see him in the trailer

this is perfect
you're perfect

the amount of cheering that occurred in my local theater when this happened

suicide squirts

it's okay they're probably all understand how method* he is

he reminds me of the goth kids i avoided in high school who talked about sucking real blood

i love this!

i feel so sorry for the men of this world.

too true

everybody wants some doesn't look like a movie i'd typically pay to watch but i like that guy from teen wolf so i'm going to see it.

but how will women of any size know their worth unless men tell them whether or not they're fuckable??

oh good, gendered insults! woo hoo!


i know, it's so much harder to be a total asshole these days. i miss the good ol' days!

" but you want to be spotlighted and held in esteem for it too? You want to be a leading example for the "let's just be fat" campaign to make fat the new normal? Really Murica?"
literally no fat person is trying to do this at all

at it's core, i want to believe body positivity is about disregarding "men like it when women are _____" and "women like it when men are ____" in favor of loving yourself for what you love about you.

alrighty then

yes, two other assholes agree with him. that's not exactly mass approval or applause, my god.
the comment is gross. the fact that the article calls thin women sticks is also GROSS. plenty of people are saying that.
your MRA trash analogy isn't necessary.
but please continue to call fat people unhealthy.