min alskaren

the fats aren't saying "being this weight is great" they're saying "i'm not going to feel bad about wearing a bathing suit and taking my goddamn kids swimming because my body doesn't turn you on"

a man's got to have a code. like when fat people decide they're allowed to feel okay in something like a bathing suit, sheesh!

i guess what i love the most about this is how entitled it is.

do you have some stats for this claim? genuinely interested because most of the things i've read state the opposite with obesity being higher, statistically, in areas where the unemployment rate is higher.

apologies, some of the comments have departed from the specific context of the article. i was applying your comment to real world situations—not the lives of celebrities.
it is true that celebrities do have the privilege and the means to apply the points made in your original comment.

oh lordy. do you work hard to be this ignorant or does it come naturally?

i can't tell if this is a serious question or not but here goes: some people work more than one job to make ends meet, thus leaving them very little free time to exercise or prepare healthy meals.
some people also make so little that eating fresh and healthy isn't their best option.
and some people live in conditions

he just wants them to be "normal" and "healthy" ok

i sure would because it's just as wrong.

yeah, i can see that. i mean there's a constant bias toward fat people, one that isn't nearly as prevalent to thin people.
but if we're going to really focus on ending body-shaming it's going to have to be equal opportunity and not at the expense of another body type.

your continued use of the phrase "healthy weight women" makes flames shoot out of my eyeballs.
look, i get your point but this healthy weight shit is just as bad as the author's attempt to complain about body-shaming by shaming thin bodies.

because it *is* disingenuous.
people discuss the health of fatties to mask their dislike of them. i can't honestly imagine them caring about a random stranger's health any more than i do.

assuming you're privileged enough to have these things to consider

as a fat, it'd be really great if we could talk about body-shaming without shaming the fuck out of women who aren't overweight/curvy/fat/etc.
like this body positivity trend is super cool and i think back to when i was a 12 year old fat girl being bullied mercilessly for my weight and i wish something like that existed

"healthy weight women" okey dokey

one sad, lonely dude.

as an adult woman who has been fat her entire life, i know this to be true.

to be fair, i'd love to know what kind of underwear chris evans was rocking in that cap uniform

they don't. this type of fake concern is a cover for the fact that they think fat people are icky.

dude, you gotta realize it's 2016 and i'm not here to slow-talk you into being okay with the fact that you're attracted to a woman who also happens to be overweight.
it IS a normal thing.