min alskaren

i also wanted to add that this isn't new. creators of media have been trying to please fans for ages. sure, social media has made it a whole hell of alot easier and faster but this symbiotic relationship has been occurring since the beginning.

CW has the worst PR ever.

if i had it all to do over again i don't think i would have ever watched.
personally, i hung on for so long because of the good experiences i had in the fandom and also because the show came to me at very vulnerable time in my life and i felt like i owed it to the show(no matter how silly that sounds) to keep watching

**spoilers for supernatural season 10**
supernatural is a show that had a pretty public experience with this when they decided to kill off their one recurring lesbian character in 10 years for no clear reason. it wasn't identical to the examples cited above because charlie wasn't involved in a relationship but she was

i was in the fandom for 6 years but it kept getting harder and harder to ignore the truly shitty parts of the fandom.
also the show became unwatchable for me.
yeah, there is actually an entire anonymous community devoted to the idea that the lead actors are secretly married and their wives are beards, so…

i've heard this rumor but i've never seen it substantiated.
a more plausible reason could be that her character's development was stilted due to the writer's strike.

i've seen this a ton in the supernatural fandom.
an adult woman actually tracked down a teenager at a supernatural convention to fuss at her.

as someone who has spent decades in one fandom or another i have to agree but also disagree.
i've made amazing life-long friends in fandom and i've received extreme hate in fandom.
if interacting with fans is to become a widespread thing, and it looks like it's on track to continue, writers/producers/showrunners have to

i'm so happy i'm crying all over my edlund christ icon

some of the shots were exactly the same as the in-panel artwork i was like happily screaming when i saw that shit.

i love every second of this episode also if frank and matt wanna make out sometime soon i am on board

it was nice to see foggy stepping up

hey i know, let's blame a super devoted fanbase instead of the outdated and ineffective way to gauge ratings!

i heard tell of this comment and i came here for the very purpose of upvoting it

they're straight white men so of course they are worthy of saving over and over and over

"it's only tits and dragons"
where is the lie

and i absolutely regret not quitting sooner.

i was looking forward to reading the comments on this but they appear to have been hijacked by some trollish, comic book purist who doesn't seem to grasp the concept of adaptations.
anywho, the article was a great read!

nah, most of the fics i read are alternate universe so it's brand new super awesome worldbuilding with characters you already know and love.
it's a lot of fun.

damn some of these comments are messed up.
shaming fans for enjoying a thing? you're better than that av club.