min alskaren

i gotta pretty good rec list tell her to hit me up

the moments above made me who i am today
a complete monster

i kinda feel like the babadook should be number one because i loved it so much and also because of how real it is

this simply will not do
you're going to have to get "ac-TOR" tattooed on your forehead

"turn this into a Fantastic Four style audience backfire" i can dream

i can't believe i used to want to fuck this dude

when my son was 3 months old he began crying in the middle of the night and continued to cry, unless he was fastened to my body in some way, shape or form, for several months.
lately i have derived great pleasure from watching him play SMW2, if only because of how annoyed he gets at baby mario's crying sounds.

oh dang i must have missed the part where @rogerasneed:disqus used gross gendered slurs because that's the only way your comparison holds weight.

i disagree. people that want to call women whores and cunts and pass that shit off as comedy should be called out on their lazy, offensive bullshit.

at long last.

white man calling women whores and cunts

this guy is like tosh levels of douche



god my kids are so into this five nights at freddy's bullshit

where are all my rogue demon hunters?

you know what, nevermind.

there were still some very watchable episodes in season 10 and the gifs are pretty

i've seen the existing hello kitty movies so many times
and i will see this too

this is accurate