min alskaren

hey do you remember when supernatural was watchable?

lol same <3

siri, why does god allow suffering?

i'm just here to talk about supernatural and wincest

what like it's hard?

please god someone save hannibal

this is such a disappointment and i knew it was coming and it's incredibly it managed to hang on for as long as it did on a network like nbc.
still. so many sad emoticons from me, this day.

i do have something good to watch right now, thanks for your concern.

i'm sorry, have the rules changed here? are we no longer allowed to discuss how much we like or dislike a tv show? puh-lease.
and fyi: i enjoyed season 1, despite it's sexist elements and i was looking forward to season 2 until casting news began to roll in.

you don't know how little i care

you don't know how happy this c- makes me


yeah dude! my mom took me to movies every weekend. it was one thing we could bond over. maybe the only thing.

my daughter is big into ghibli films and she's been asking to watch this movie for about 5 years.
i'm not sure i'll ever be ready to watch it again.

i remember seeing this in the theater with my mom. it was terrible and also awesome.

top notch avatar you got there buddy <3

fans?? interested in your work??? someone stop them

can you hear my eyes rolling?

oh good lord.
i'm saying "think about the message you are sending out with your scenes and your storytelling" not "have blossom look into camera right and talk about losing her virginity" jesus christ.

catch ya later, legs!